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Questions & Answers with Challies, Godfrey, Lawson, and Mohler

A video published by Ligonier Ministries on November 15th, 2019

Questions & Answers with Challies, Godfrey, Lawson, and Mohler A questions and answers session with Tim Challies, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, and Albert Mohler. Questions: 1. Should we focus our resources more on helping our own increasingly godless countries or on helping other countries where the church is rapidly growing? (00:01) 2. What is “New Calvinism” and how does it relate to Reformation Calvinism? (00:57) 3. Can you explain the difference between effectual calling and regeneration and how they work together? (05:00) 4. How do we deal with disappointment if our loved ones aren’t being regenerated and haven’t come to faith? (06:42) 5. Do children need to hear the gospel in order to be saved? (12:01) 6. What happens to children who die in infancy? Is there an age of discretion? (13:28) 7. How do we handle difficult Old Testament events like the conquest of Canaan? (19:34) 8. What is the correct starting point when we discuss truth with unbelievers? (22:15) 9. How would you respond to someone who tries to justify homosexuality by claiming that all instances of homosexuality in the Bible refer to rape and violence? (26:07) 10. How can we practically deliver truth in love? (30:00) 11. How does social media contribute to or detract from the church’s calling and the Great Commission? (33:52) 12. How do you share Christ with people who have been abused by church leaders? (38:20) 13. How do you help people who are struggling to forgive those who have committed abuse or other terrible sins against them? (40:01) 14. How do you explain to an unbeliever or new Christian that God’s wrath is inseparable from His love? (43:03) 15. Is it worth driving an hour to a church where the true gospel is preached? (46:39) This message is from our 2019 Southern Ontario Conference, Truth in a Truthless Age: Purchase the media from this conference:

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