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What Is the Place of Faith in My Unanswered Prayers? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on September 10th, 2018

When God consistently answers prayers with “no,” many of wonder if their faith is the problem. So what role does faith play in unanswered prayers? What role does our faith play when we are praying for the faith of others? It’s an important question related to our prayer lives, and the question comes to us from a listener named Richard. “Hello, Pastor John. Thank you for this podcast. I write because I have become discouraged in my prayer life. None of my requests ever get answered. I have been praying for family members to be reconciled, friends to come to faith, Christ’s glory to be made evident to me, and other requests. I faithfully read Scripture and cannot think of any unrepentant sin in my life that would hinder my prayers. It just seems my answers are always ‘no,’ and I have become discouraged because of it. Do you have any sustaining counsel for a weak brother who is enduring the silence of God?” Episode 1249: Related Resources: “When God Answers ‘No’ to Our Prayers” “Seven Simple Tips to Refresh Your Prayer Life” “How Do I Pray Without Ceasing?” “A Theology of Prayer in 3 Minutes” Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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