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Am I Too Hard on Myself? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on January 22nd, 2021

God has given us a high and holy calling in Christ. But can a Christian ever be too hard on himself as he strives to live up to that calling? Today’s question is from a listener named Elliott. “Pastor John, hello! Would you say there’s such a thing as a Christian being too harsh with himself? I’m often told by others in my secular job that I am too hard on myself. Recently, my wife has mentioned several times that the standards of excellence I try to achieve at church are too high. I don’t deliberately view life or myself like this. But wouldn’t low standards lead to acceptance of sin in our lives? I guess, more generally, my question is, Is it possible for a Christian to be too hard on himself?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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