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Should Christians Save for Retirement? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on June 2nd, 2018

All our money is God’s money, and that profound reality raises all sorts of questions about stewardship, like this question from a podcast listener named Collin, who finds himself in a tricky spot as he considers a career in financial counseling. “Pastor John, what would you say to a young man or a young woman who is interested in pursuing a career as a financial advisor? Should a Christian serve others by helping them plan financially for retirement, or do you think this is promoting an ungodly waste of retirement? I want to help others steward their money for the sake of Christ, but our society’s warped perspective on retirement makes me think twice about entering this profession. Can a Christian serve others and help them plan for retirement — even a very typical American retirement — with a clear conscience? Is financial planning a worthy Christian vocation?” Episode 1206: Related Resources: Episode 1139 “I’m Retired and Want to Do Missions — What’s My First Step?” Episode 1173 “My Midlife Crisis — and Counsel for Yours” Episode 1200 “Reflections on the Seashells Sermon, 18 Years Later” Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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