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Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on August 14th, 2020

If we are going to grow up into maturity in Christ, we need to feast on Scripture — and not just here and there, but every day. At the start of the week, in episode 1510, we talked about leading someone to Christ, and Pastor John walked us through four treasure chests. Today we talk to new believers, and it’s an email from an anonymous listener, a new believer himself. “Pastor John, thank you for this podcast. I’m overwhelmed at how much I don’t know about the Bible. I want to be knowledgeable about Scripture so that it can guide me and so that I can use it to guide others in the future. But there is so much. I don’t know where to begin. If I were studying for an exam in a class, I would start with a list of essential topics to be tested on. But with the Bible, I feel like the test is life, and I don’t know what I need to know to be prepared, if that makes sense. In other words, where do I start? What is the first and most essential thing I need to know to follow Christ by reading his word?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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