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How Your Mind Fuels Your Joy: Q&A with John Piper on the Life of the Mind

A video published by Desiring God on March 2nd, 2019

God has given you a mind not just to simply know him, but to love him. Don’t waste your mind with an intellect that never learns to love. Think: Revisited | September 21, 2018 | Bethlehem College & Seminary 2:35 — What is thinking? 9:26 — What’s the difference between thinking and understanding in 2 Timothy 2:7 7 Consider what I say; for the Lord shall give thee understanding in all things. ? 10:36 — How do we avoid the ditches of self-reliance and an unwillingness to think? 17:44 — Why is there a history of anti-intellectualism, and is it a good or bad thing? 23:24 — What is the opposite of anti-intellectualism, and what are its pitfalls? 25:34 — What is the role of the Holy Spirit in thinking? 26:58 — How do we cultivate thinking that depends on the Spirit? 29:09 — Can’t we just love God without doing the hard work of thinking? 34:11 — How should we consider the works of nonbelievers? 39:51 — Do we need to distinguish between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom? 42:20 — What is the danger of relativism and is it a problem in the church today? 47:36 — Why do you view reading as so essential to the process of thinking? 50:19 — God has given us his word in a book. So what if we’re not good readers?

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