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Will I Suffer More If I Follow Jesus? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 16th, 2021

Those who follow Jesus may suffer more in this life than those who don’t. But from the standpoint of eternity, they will suffer infinitely less. Why will God allow us to suffer as Christians if that suffering will harm our faith? It’s a question that comes in from an international listener. “Pastor John, hello! My name is Bernice. I’m 21 years old and live in Kenya, East Africa. My question stems from doubt in God’s good nature that crept in while talking to my friend about trusting God with her life and choosing to follow Jesus above all else. She won’t, and she won’t because she says following God will simply mean additional suffering and going through more trials that he causes (or allows) to happen before we can enjoy his goodness. I wonder if she’s right. Her point of view has made me question God’s goodness. Why would he cause pain to someone who trusted in him completely? Why would he allow them to suffer in ways that may injure their faith in him? Why believe if it just opens us to more suffering?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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