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The Problem with Asking, ‘What’s Wrong with It?’ // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on April 14th, 2021

If we want to follow Jesus, we will need to give up more than just sins. We will also need to give up everything that dulls our hearts for him. Every area of life calls for evaluation. Should we be doing one thing or something else? Career A or career B? Enough school or more school? Stop spending and start investing. Don’t settle for the good when you can go for the great. All sorts of books and workshops and apps stand ready to help us live from higher priorities. And this is important, especially for Christians. We live for the highest priority there is. We live for the eternal. Our everlasting priority bears on our media diets, our gaming, our careers, our parenting, and really every single decision of life. In the summer of 1997, Pastor John preached a sermon on Hebrews 11:39 39 And these all, having had witness borne to them through their faith, received not the promise, –12:2, a section of Scripture popularly referred to as God’s “Hall of Fame” or the “Hall of Faith,” a section celebrating our ancestors in the faith who learned to live faithfully in this life, turning away from the good in order to pursue the eternally great. Here’s a clip from that sermon sent to us from a listener named Melissa in Lumberton, New Jersey. Here’s Pastor John. Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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