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How Do I Overcome My Fear of Death? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on June 4th, 2018

Everything we need in life and death was bought by the blood of Jesus. We have nothing to fear — not even death. The fear of death keeps people off jets and into cars, a more deadly form of transportation. The fear of death exerts tremendous force over people in this world. It makes us irrational. So what counsel do we have for Christians who live under a perpetual fear of their own mortality? The question arrives from a woman who has not given us her name. “Hello, Pastor John, I have listened to the podcast on YouTube for several months now and finally built up enough courage to ask a question. I have been building a relationship with God and have thankfully been delivered from a love of alcohol. I am 25, married to a godly man, but have been struggling with the thought of death on a daily basis. I think it started when my friend passed last year. Before that a friend of mine, and my sister, just months apart, both had dreams that I died while I was still drinking. By the grace of God he allowed me to let go of that habit, but I can’t stop thinking that something will happen. I decided to get to the root — I have a fear of death. All I sometimes think of is dark, depressing thoughts, and I do not want to live my life like this. Please, can you give me some insight?” EPISODE 1207: Related Videos: “Does My Soul Sleep After Death?” Am I Really Ready for Heaven? Does God Know the Exact Day I Will Die? My Friend Honored God and His Parents — Why Did He Die Young? Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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