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Can a Christian Hedonist Get Depressed // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 31st, 2020

If we glorify God by enjoying him, how do we think about seasons of darkness in the Christian life, when joy seems far away? Can a good Christian Hedonist struggle with seasons of depression? A listener to the podcast, Hannah, writes us from her home in Los Angeles with that question. “Hello, Pastor John. I read your book ‘Desiring God’ years ago, and it completely wrecked me in a great way. I couldn’t believe that God wanted me to enjoy him! It has been such a blessing to learn from you how to experience the love and pleasure of God. But my question comes from a place of fear. I have a tendency to be depressed, and have spent at times months (and once years) in darkness. I learned how to move through it, forsaking lies and seeking the promises and truth of God, in order to be free of them. However, there’s a very real place of deep darkness that I have experienced. When I hear you speak of Christian Hedonism and joy and pleasure in God, I feel a tinge of fear because I have often lived in valleys where I feel little joy. Can flourishing Christian Hedonism coexist with seasons of dark depression, or is that a stark contradiction of terms?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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