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Does Christmas Create Racial Tensions? (Special Episode) // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on December 10th, 2019

Why was Jesus born a Jew? The incarnation undercuts all ethnic boasting and throws people from every tribe, tongue, and nation on the mercy of a Jewish man from Nazareth. This is a short bonus episode of Ask Pastor John. We’re back tonight because just a moment ago, we published a new article from John Piper. It’s a timely word and a weighty article. And I have Pastor John on the line to tell us more about it. It’s titled “Why Was Jesus Born a Jew? The Devastating Mercy of His Ethnicity.” So, Pastor John, two questions for you: (1) Why did you write the article to begin with? And (2) What was your aim in writing it? Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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