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What Do My Entertainment Habits Reveal About My Soul? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on September 7th, 2020

If we cope with stress by watching movies, posting on social media, or consuming other forms of entertainment, what does that say about our souls? Today’s question is about quarantine habits. We’ve all had a lot of time at home this year. And this is a searching question from a young woman who wants to know what her quarantine entertainment habits reveal about the state of her own soul. Here’s her email: “Hello, Pastor John. It has taken this period of total pandemic lockdown for me to realize that I don’t read the Bible and pray when I’m stressed out. I had never noticed that all I do is eat, sleep, and watch movies in my most stressful times. This is exactly what I did in the first two weeks of quarantine. I thought it would change. But after months, I still have found little time to commune with God. It’s both scary, sad, and I’m really unhappy and tired. My question is this: If I went so long without communion with God, in this season of anxiousness, does this mean I don’t really love or trust God to begin with?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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