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What Sins Disqualify a Pastor for Life? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on April 24th, 2020

Should churches ever consider calling a pastor who has committed adultery in the past? And if so, how should they evaluate his repentance? What sins disqualify a pastor for life? Are there any? It’s a great question I’ve wondered about for a long time, and it’s today’s question from a young woman who writes us. “Hello, Pastor John! My church is currently discussing hiring a man to join our church staff full time. However, this man recently left another church because of adultery. He was caught, repented, and asked for forgiveness. I certainly believe Christ forgives adultery. But from reading the passages on church leaders in the Pastoral Epistles, I don’t see how it could be God’s will for him to continue pastoring. What are your thoughts? Is repentance enough to make this man a leader in another church? And, more generally, what sins — if any — disqualify a pastor for life?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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