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How Much Joy Can We Really Expect in This Life? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 23rd, 2018

How much joy can we expect to get in this life? It’s a great question for you, Pastor John, who joins us over the phone today. The question comes from Cameron in Northern Ireland. “Dear Pastor John, I’m reading your book Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist. Your description of the three stages of worship has struck a chord in my heart. I know the lowest stage well, where I feel deep sorrow for not being able to worship my Lord as I should. I’m also acquainted with the second stage, spending much of my devotional time in a state of intense longing for the full joys of God’s presence. However, I find myself only rarely able to experience the unbounded joy and satisfaction of worship which you describe, leaving me in what feels like a state of perpetually unsatisfied longing for God. How much of the Christian life is marked by an unsatisfied longing for a joy that we will not fully find in this life?” Episode 1228: Related Resources: “How to Regain Your Joy in Christ” “What Is ‘the Joy of the Lord’ and Where Can I Find It?” “How Do I Pursue Joy in Christ?” “Do We Have Joy or Fight for It?” Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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