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A Treatise on Death - Otho Wermullerus (1513 - 1552) Full Audio Book

A video published by Christian Sermons and Audio Books on June 11th, 2023

Otto Werdmüller (22 March 1513 - 25 March 1552) was a Swiss pastor and theologian. A Treatise on Death - Otho Wermullerus (1513 - 1552) Full Audio Book 00:00:00 01 Preface 00:05:18 02 Declaring What Death Is 00:08:52 03 That the Time of Death is Uncertain 00:09:41 04 That It is God Which Hath Laid the Burden of Death Upon Us 00:10:57 05 That God Sendeth Death Because of Sin 00:13:18 06 That God Turneth Death Unto Good 00:14:12 07 That Death in Itself is Grievous to the Body and the Soul 00:21:37 08 That We All Commonly are Afraid of Death 00:24:35 09 The Commodity of Death, When It Delivereth Us from This Short Transitory Time 00:26:58 10 Another Commodity, When Death Delivereth Us from This Miserable 00:33:33 11 Witness That This Life is Miserable 00:35:22 12 That Consideration of Death Beforehand is Profitable to All Virtues 00:37:03 13 In Death We Learn the Right Knowledge of Ourselves and of God, and are Occasioned to Give Ourselves Unto God 00:38:39 14 That the Dead Ceaseth from Sin 00:41:19 15 That the Dead is Delivered from This Vicious World, Having not Only This Advantage, That He Sinneth No More, but also is Discharged from Other Sins 00:42:50 16 That the Dead Obtaineth Salvation 00:44:19 17 Similitudes, That Death is Wholesome 00:50:09 18 Witness That Death is Wholesome 00:51:05 19 That Death Cannot Be Avoided, Item, of Companions of Them That Die 00:54:39 20 Of Natural Help in Danger of Death 00:56:32 21 That God is Able and Will Help for Christ’s Sake 01:05:46 22 That God Hath Promised His Help and Comfort 01:09:22 23 God Setteth to His Own Helping Hand, in Such Ways and at Such Time, as is Best of All 01:12:51 24 Examples of God's Help 01:14:02 25 That It is Necessary to Prepare for This Journey 01:15:31 26 Provision Concerning Temporal Goods, Children, and Friends, Which Must Be Left Behind 01:19:13 27 Preparation Concerning Ghostly Matters; with What Cogitations the Mind Ought Most to Be Exercised 01:22:47 28 Of Repentance and Sorrow for Sin 01:24:05 29 Of True Faith 01:35:14 30 Of Hope 01:36:01 31 Of the Sacraments 01:38:10 32 Of Prayer 01:40:40 33 The Form of Prayer 01:46:29 34 A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving 01:48:39 35 That the Prayer is Heard 01:49:49 36 That the Word of God is to Be Practised and Used 01:50:38 37 Amendment of Life Necessary 01:53:20 38 Exhortation Unto Patience 01:57:42 39 The Original and Fruit of Patience 01:59:01 40 That a Man, While He is yet in Health, Ought to Prepare Himself Beforehand 02:05:45 41 That the Foresaid Things Ought by Time, and in Due Season, to Be Taken in Hand 02:12:39 42 How the Sick Ought to Be Spoken Unto, If Need Shall Require 02:25:43 43 Of the Burial, and What is to Be Done Towards Those That are Departed Hence 02:30:01 44 How They Ought to Be Comforted, Whose Dear Friends are Dead 02:37:43 45 That Unto Such as Die It is Profitable to Depart Out of This Life 02:45:02 46 What Profit the Death of Friends Bringeth to Such as are Left Behind Have 02:51:11 47 Companions That Suffer Like Heaviness of Heart 02:52:48 48 Through God’s Help All Heart-Sorrow is Eased 02:55:14 49 We Must Furnish Ourselves with Prayer and Patience 02:58:52 50 Ensamples of Patience in Like Case 03:03:51 51 The Commodity of Patience 03:06:24 52 We Ought So to Love Our Children and Friends, That We May Forsake Them 03:08:12 53 Of the Death of Young Persons in Especial 03:14:44 54 Of the Death of the Aged 03:15:57 55 Of Strange Death 03:18:39 56 An Exhortation Written by the Lady Jane, the Night Before She Suffered, in the End of the New Testament in Greek, which She Sent to Her Sister Lady Katherine

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