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Who Is the Disciple Jesus Loved? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on June 21st, 2021

The Gospel of John speaks of a “disciple whom Jesus loved” five times. Who was this beloved disciple, and why does he single himself out like this? We launch into a new week with a wonderful Bible question. It comes to us from Juliet in Canada. “Dear Pastor John, hello! In John 21:7 7 That disciple therefore whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. So when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his coat about him (for he was naked), and cast himself into the sea. we read about a ‘disciple whom Jesus loved.’ Can you tell me who this is? And why is he referenced like this? I assume Jesus loved all his disciples. Is there any takeaway for us in the love designation directed to this one disciple? I have always wondered about this, and I thought if I am ever going to ask, you would be the person to ask!” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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