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How Much Media Is Too Much Media? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 19th, 2021

In a media-saturated age, obedience to Jesus requires intentional detachment from the patterns of the world — especially its patterns of entertainment. How much media is too much media? In the digital age, this is a question we all face all the time, and it’s a question with implications for our relationships. It’s a dilemma faced by one young woman who listens to the podcast and writes us today. “Hello, Pastor John and Tony — thank you for the podcast! I have been learning a lot about the conscience lately, and how some things affect me in varying degrees compared to other Christians. I know I cannot pass judgment on those who do not share my convictions of conscience on things that are not inherently sinful. But I do struggle to apply my convictions to group settings. Specifically, constantly watching television and playing video games as an adult weigh heavy on my conscience. “These are the things my family, whom I still live with, and my friends maintain as part of their daily lifestyles. If I listen to my conscience, and don’t participate, my time spent with them is greatly reduced. But if I do participate, the weight on my conscience brings me great misery. I ask them, but get nowhere because it’s not a clear sin issue. So how do I live in a space that does not share my convictions, with love and grace — and especially when it comes to screens?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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