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Will God Really Praise Us? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 9th, 2021

If God deserves all glory and praise, what does Scripture mean when it mentions God’s glorifying and praising us? Well, of course it’s right and fitting for us to talk about praising and glorifying God. That’s our calling and our great delight. Our greatest joy is found in magnifying God, so that those two things — our joy and God’s glory — are not two things, but one mutual aim. They are wed together. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. That’s what we call Christian Hedonism. So then, is it possible for us to talk about God praising and glorifying us? This seems very awkward. But is it biblical to even go here, to say God will praise and glorify us? It’s a question because you caught off guard one watcher of your Look at the Book videos, Pastor John. Here’s the email we got. No name was given. “Hello, Pastor John! I was watching one of your 2017 LAB videos, the one titled ‘To the Glory of God Alone.’ I was really confused with something you said near the end of the session, at the 15:47 mark. There you said that we will be praised and glorified. I was stunned. I had never heard that before. What did you mean that we will be praised and glorified? Isn’t this for God alone? If not, what Bible verses would help this make sense to me?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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