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Should We Raise Our Hands in Worship? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on September 29th, 2018

Should we lift our hands during musical worship, or keep them in our pockets? Pastor John shares some principles from Scripture and his own experience. Should we raise our hands during musical worship, or keep them in our pockets? It’s the question from a listener named Geoff. “Pastor John, when you are singing at your local church, do you raise your hands? Is this something we should do when singing at church on Sunday? “When I read verses like 1 Chronicles 16:23 23 Sing unto Jehovah, all the earth; Show forth his salvation from day to day. –31 and Psalms 95:1 Chapter 95 1 Oh come, let us sing unto Jehovah; Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. –2, it makes me wonder why not everyone lifts their hands when we sing together as a church. If only 5 percent of the congregation in my local church is raising their hands during the music, but all are singing out loudly with a joyful noise, then is this something we should teach on in order to encourage the raising up of holy hands? Or should I just be thankful we are all singing? As the worship leader at my local church, I want to be ‘maximalist’ in my thinking and always find ways to encourage myself and our congregation to be fully devoted and fully delighted in Jesus as we sing songs which are soaked in rich gospel lyrics.” Episode 1257: Related Resources: “The Holy Kiss — Relevant Today or Not?” “Should We Sing of God’s ‘Reckless Love’?” “When Worship Lyrics Miss the Mark” “What Is Worship?” “Do We Really Need Musical Worship?” Ask Pastor John Playlist: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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