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What Is Hyper-Calvinism? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on May 11th, 2020

Doctrinal systems can help us summarize the Bible’s teaching, but they are never a substitute for Scripture itself. What is hyper-Calvinism, and how do we avoid it? It’s a question from a listener named Andrew. “Hello, Pastor John. In the wake of your helpful new book, Coronavirus and Christ, one theologian said of you, ‘Piper’s thinking is sometimes Calvinism raised to the nth power. That’s not where it belongs.’ I disagree. I think that’s exactly where it belongs — an elevated and consistent Calvinism maintained throughout one’s entire ministry, from private devotions to the pulpit, and into those rare moments when Christians speak into current events. For your model of consistency, I thank God. “As for myself, I was recently called a ‘hyper-Calvinist’ by someone online for something I said. There’s no need to go into exactly what I said. I simply want to know from you, What is a hyper-Calvinist? Is that what you are being accused of? When does Calvinism go wrong? How do we sustain our strong Calvinistic convictions — to the nth degree! — without slipping into hyper-Calvinism?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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