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The Wicked Walk on Every Side / Psalm 12 / Christian Music Lyrics Video - Rich Moore

A video published by Christian Sermons and Audio Books on August 24th, 2022

LINK TO ORIGINAL VERSION WITH DRUMS: "The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted." Psalms 12:8 8 The wicked walk on every side, When vileness is exalted among the sons of men. Psalm 13 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper" Romans 1:28 28 And even as they refused to have God in `their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; The Wicked Walk on Every Side / Psalms 12 Chapter 12 1 Help, Jehovah; for the godly man ceaseth; For the faithful fail from among the children of men. 2 They speak falsehood every one with his neighbor: With flattering lip, and with a double heart, do they speak. 3 Jehovah will cut off all flattering lips, The tongue that speaketh great things; 4 Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail; Our lips are our own: who is lord over us? 5 Because of the oppression of the poor, because of the sighing of the needy, Now will I arise, saith Jehovah; I will set him in the safety he panteth for. 6 The words of Jehovah are pure words; As silver tried in a furnace on the earth, Purified seven times. 7 Thou wilt keep them, O Jehovah, Thou wilt preserve them from this generation for ever. 8 The wicked walk on every side, When vileness is exalted among the sons of men. Psalm 13 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. / Christian Music Lyrics Video - Rich Moore Christian Songs with Lyrics Playlist: My Original Contemporary Christian Songs (playlist): I am a singer, guitarist, and songwriter. This is a new original contemporary Christian worship song I recently wrote and recorded which will be on my soon to be released album. May those who listen find it a great blessing, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in these last days...praise God. (Music and video owned and copyrighted by stack45ny) Top 10 Most Popular Sermons (Playlist): Christian Hymns Playlist: Charles Spurgeon Sermon Playlist: Puritans (Playlist): ▶️SUBSCRIBE: ▶️After subscribing, click on NOTIFICATION BELL to be notified of new uploads. ▶️SUPPORT CHANNEL:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted My Primary Backup Sites: ▶️GETTR: ▶️My WordPress blog: ▶️odysee: ▶️Telegram: My Secondary Backup Sites: ▶️Battle for God's Truth ▶️RUMBLE ▶️Battle for God and His Truth: ▶️Facebook: ▶️Christian Devotional Readings: ▶️Instagram: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "A Call to Separation - A. W. Pink Christian Audio Books / Don't be Unequally Yoked / Be Ye Separate" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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