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When Should I Follow My Heart? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on August 17th, 2020

If a Christian desires God above all, then shouldn’t he follow his heart? Or are our hearts so deceitful that we can never trust them at all? A really sharp podcast listener named Rachel writes us today. And she seems familiar with Christian Hedonism. “Hello, Pastor John! The world tells us we can only be real if we obey our native desires. That’s obviously wrong because our natural desires are for sin and for what will only destroy our joy in the end. But in response, I hear a lot of people in the church simply offering prohibitions, various forms of ‘don’t trust your desires’ or ‘don’t follow your heart.’ “And yet, if I understand Christian Hedonism correctly, the Bible calls all people everywhere to follow their hearts toward the greatest and most lasting joy in the universe. That seems to be how you define faith, in fact: finding Jesus more satisfying than anything else. So, it would be impossible for us to genuinely believe if we acted toward Christ in a way contrary to our hearts and our desires. So, wouldn’t the Christian Hedonist say something like ‘do trust your desires’ and ‘do trust your heart,’ when your heart and desires are calibrated to Christ? At what point do we trust our hearts and follow our desires? The blanket prohibitions seem inaccurate to me.” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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