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Christian and Faithful: Puritan John Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress Lecture - Tom Sullivan

A video published by Christian Praise and Worship in Songs, Sermons, and Audio Books on November 10th, 2017

Christian and Faithful: Puritan John Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress Lecture - Tom Sullivan In this lecture, we discuss the story of Pope and Pagan, the pilgrimmage of Christian and differences in Christian Experience. The class ended with a solemn warning to avoid the temptation of the seductress woman, Wanton. John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress in two parts, of which the first appeared at London in 1678,which he had begun during his imprisonment in 1676. The second part appeared in 1684. The earliest edition in which the two parts were combined in one volume came out in 1728. A third part falsely attributed to Bunyan appeared in 1693. The Pilgrim's Progress is the most successful allegory ever written, and like the Bible has been extensively translated into other languages. SUBSCRIBE: Puritan Reformed Audiobooks playlist:

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