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My Pastors Don’t Preach Against Sin — Is That Okay? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on June 1st, 2020

Addressing sin and repentance may sound harsh to some, but genuine biblical preaching names and denounces specific sins. A pretty common question is reflected in today’s email from a young woman from Sweden, a listener to the podcast. And Pastor John joins us over Skype today to answer. “Dear Pastor John, hello to you and the team at DG. I’m a relatively new Christian in Sweden, and I have a problem with my church. I got baptized four years ago and became a member. As time passed, I noticed our sermons don’t touch on sin and never call for repentance. I’ve asked one of the pastors about this, who said they are not preaching contradictory to the Bible; they just decided to not talk directly about sin. They want to focus on the love of Jesus and his acceptance of sinners. It sounds well with me, as an effort to attract lots of people into the church. At the same time, they don’t celebrate repentance and obedience. What do you think of a church that doesn’t preach against particular sins?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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