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How Do I Grow in Wisdom? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on February 5th, 2020

How do I become a sage who overflows with godly wisdom? Pastor John recommends a path too few of us choose to tread. On April 26, 1998, John Piper preached a sermon on Romans 1:1 Chapter 1 1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called `to be' an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, . It was sermon number 1 in a new series he called “Romans: The Greatest Letter Ever Written.” He announced to his church it would be “a great ten years in Romans,” and people applauded. He would go on to complete the book in 225 sermons, in just 8 years, 8 months, finishing up on Christmas Eve, 2006. This Romans sermon series is now legend. But back in the early months of the series, the church had to be prepared to plunge into Romans 1:1 Chapter 1 1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called `to be' an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 8–3:20, a prolonged argument from Paul that diagnoses the world’s sin problems, and God’s righteous, wrathful response. This section alone would require 22 sermons. To prepare his congregation for such a heavy season ahead, Pastor John explained how hard texts about sin and wrath are vital for creating sages. Here’s a clip of him explaining from his August 30, 1998, sermon titled “The Wrath of God Against Ungodliness and Unrighteousness.” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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