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In Defense of Sola Scriptura Being Biblical, Historical, and Essential to the Christian Faith

A video published by Christian Sermons and Audio Books on July 27th, 2023

Responding to these ugly comments left by a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. I put "!@#$" of his profanity. "Sola Scriptura is a very serious heresy created by Protestantism(Im an ex Baptist myself). The standard of interpretation of scripture is found in Christ's body aka The Church(Orthodox) you guys are nothing more than your own pope coming up with what ever conclusions you seem to think fits. There's thousands of different denominations of protestantism and you guys just believe whatever you think is right instead what is truly right. Holy Orthodoxy in the first few centuries of the Church canonized the scriptures you try and appeal to Alone(let alone not having the correct canon) and !@#$ away the very Church(Christ's body)who gave them to you, and you go YOUR OWN WAY. At the end of the day you're getting MAN's interpretation instead of The Holy Spirit's who inspired the early Church Father's to canonize and bring forth the scriptures with the correct dogma and theology/interpretation of them."

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