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Questions & Answers with Duncan, Ferguson, Nichols, and Thomas

A video published by Ligonier Ministries on March 20th, 2019

A questions and answers session with Drs. Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Stephen Nichols, and Derek Thomas. Questions: Regarding God's aseity, can one say that the Father depends on the Son and vice versa, since they are eternally inseparable? (00:37) Is God the Son eternally the God-man? How does this square with the immutability of God? (04:40) After death, does everyone go immediately to be with Christ? If so, can those in the presence of Christ hear our prayers? Can they go before the Father in prayer as our friends do here on earth? (09:45) What is the difference between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism? (11:30) Historically, what prompted the split between credobaptism and paedobaptism? (18:30) My sister committed suicide a month ago. Is she in heaven? (21:37) The main point of the Revoice Conference seems to be accepting a homosexual identity with a celibate lifestyle. Is this nuance valid in biblical Christianity? (26:15) I am an atheist here with friends. My biggest qualm with Christianity is this: why in God's holiness would He create Lucifer with the desire to commit the first sin, or cause the fall of man? (28:01) As a youth, what are some ways I can connect with older generations in my church? (24:41) How can we know or identify a church that is truly being led by God and not by the pastor alone in his own wisdom, under his own power? (32:16) Note: We made resource recommendations and further discussed sexual identity in Saturday morning's Q&A here: This message is from our 2019 National Conference, He Is Holy: Purchase the media from this conference:

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