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How to Climb the Corporate Ladder — for Jesus’s Sake // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on March 19th, 2018

How can we glorify God in our jobs? Pastor John offers ten reflections to help Christians integrate their Christian life with their working life. “Pastor John, thank you for the podcast. I recently heard the episode on work and how we glorify God at our jobs. I want to glorify God in all things and my question is more detailed. I know that I can glorify God in my work. I also know that work is my mission field. My question is really how do I balance my earthly work with eternal work? “How do I balance climbing the corporate ladder, and at the same time, pursuing relationships and caring for the lost? As a Christian, do I just say God will take care of me, and I don’t need to focus on climbing the ladder? Or as a Christian is it glorifying to God for me to be great at my job and get promoted? How do I also not forget about reaching out to others? How do I find balance at work?” EPISODE 1174 // March 21, 2018 Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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