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Protected from False Teaching // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on February 24th, 2021

Joyful faith in the all-governing providence of God immunizes us against false teaching that exalts man and detracts from the glory due to God alone. God sustains, upholds, and governs over everything he makes, leading it all to its intended end. This is the theme of Pastor John’s wonderful new book, ‘Providence.’ This truth is glorious. We are meant to see and savor it for ourselves so deeply that it changes our lives. So we are celebrating these implications on Wednesdays. And there’s a total of ten. Last time, in episode 1589, we looked at how the precious providence of God means that in the suffering of Christians, neither Satan, nor man, nor nature, nor chance is wielding decisive control. God is sovereign over all our suffering. And that means none of our suffering is meaningless. It is always purposeful. It is always measured, always wise, always loving, always working for us an eternal weight of glory. That was implication number six. Here now with implication number seven is Pastor John. Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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