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How Do I Kill My Pride? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on June 2nd, 2019

Faith kills pride by forcing us to look away from ourselves to God to receive the gift of salvation that we could never earn on our own. How do I kill the pride inside me? Pride is a nefarious enemy — one of our great enemies, and one of God’s ancient enemies. Yet when the Lord gifts someone with natural skills and abilities beyond the norm, that struggle with pride can become even more intense. As we begin a new week on Ask Pastor John, our next question arrives from a young woman who listens to the podcast. “A pleasant good day to you, Pastor John! I am a law student from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. I love the Lord with all my heart and desire to do many exploits for the kingdom of God. However, I have one big problem, and I think it is hindering my effectiveness as a disciple of Christ. I have a deep-rooted issue with pride. I know it is a sin, and I have tried many times to deal with this problem, but it always seems to hide and then resurface. I have been called condescending by my peers and family. I am verbally aggressive. What steps can I take daily to kill the sin of my expressive pride?” Episode 1351: Related Resources: “Avoiding Pride in a World of Selfie Sticks and Social Media Platforms” “How Do I Fight Pride When Competing in School, Business, and Sports?” “How Do I Overcome Crippling Self-Consciousness?” “How Can We Tweet to the Glory of God?” Ask Pastor John Playlist: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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