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Home Streaming Videos History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2 - Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2 - Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné
A video published by Christian Sermons and Audio Books on December 23rd, 2024
History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2 - Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné
00:00:00 01 Book 5: Discussion of Leipsic, 1519: Chapter 1: Luther’s Dangers—God saves Luther—The Pope sends a Chamberlain—different countries—Luther’s writings the commencement of the Reformation.
00:35:17 02 Book 5: Chapter 2: The War seems ended in Germany
00:54:10 03 Book 5: Chapter 3: Arrival of Eck and the Wittembergers—Amsdorf—The Students—Carlstadt’s accident—Placard—Eck and Luther—Pleissenburg—Shall Judges be appointed?—Luther objects
01:05:40 04 Book 5: Chapter 4: The Procession—Mass—Mosellanus—Veni
01:31:14 05 Book 5: Chapter 5: Hierarchy and Rationalism—Two Peasants’ Sons—Eck and Luther begin—The head of the Church—The primacy of Rome—Equality of Bishops—Peter the Foundation—Christ the Foundation—Eck insinuates that Luther is a Hussite—Luther on the doctrine of Huss—Agitation in the audience—Pleasantry of Dr. Eck—The Word alone—The Court Fool—Luther at Mass—Saying of the Duke—Purgatory—Close of the Discussion
01:56:17 06 Book 5: Chapter 6: Interest felt by the Laity—Luther’s Opinion—Admissions and Boastings of Dr. Eck—Effects of the Discussion—Poliander—Cellarius—The Young Prince of Anhalt—The Students of Leipsic—Cruciger—Calling of Melancthon—Emancipation of Luther
02:12:20 07 Book 5: Chapter 7: Eck attacks Melancthon—Melancthon’s defence—Interpretation of Scripture—Luther’s firmness—The Bohemian Brethren—Emser—Staupitz
02:19:57 08 Book 5: Chapter 8: Epistle to the Galatians—Christ for us—Blindness of Luther’s Adversaries—First Ideas on the Supper—Is the Sacrament Sufficient without Faith?—Luther a Bohemian—Eck attacked—Eck sets out for Rome
02:32:28 09 Book 6: The Bull of Rome, 1520: Chapter 1: Character of Maximilian—The Competitors for the Empire—Charles—Francis I—Inclination of the Germans—The Crown offered to Frederick—Charles is Elected
02:43:18 10 Book 6: Chapter 2: Luther writes to the Emperor
03:01:29 11 Book 6: Chapter 3: The Papacy Attacked
03:29:28 12 Book 6: Chapter 4: Preparations at Rome—Motives to resist the Papacy
03:47:19 13 Book 6: Chapter 5: Wittemberg—Melancthon—His Marriage—Catharine—Domestic Life—Beneficence—Good Humour—Christ and Antiquity—Labour—Love of Letters—His Mother—Outbreak among the Students
03:58:42 14 Book 6: Chapter 6: The Gospel in Italy
04:08:41 15 Book 6: Chapter 7: New Negotiations
04:30:01 16 Book 6: Chapter 8: The Bull in Germany—Eck’s Reception—The Bull at Wittemberg—Interposition of Zuinglius
04:40:57 17 Book 6: Chapter 9: Luther Examines himself in the presence of God
04:56:44 18 Book 6: Chapter 10: Decisive steps by the Reformer
05:19:58 19 Book 6: Chapter 11: Coronation of Charles V.
05:44:16 20 Book 6: Chapter 12: Luther on Confession
06:04:03 21 Book 7: The Diet of Worms, 1521 (January - May)
06:25:47 22 Book 7: Chapter 2: A Foreign Prince
06:43:14 23 Book 7: Chapter 3: Aleander admitted to the Diet
06:54:46 24 Book 7: Chapter 4: Sentiments of the Princes
07:11:31 25 Book 7: Chapter 5: Will a Safe-conduct be given?—Safe-conduct—Will Luther go?—Holy Thursday at Rome—The Pope and Luther
07:27:45 26 Book 7: Chapter 6: Luther’s courage
07:38:23 27 Book 7: Chapter 7: Departure for the Diet of Worms
08:01:38 28 Book 7: Chapter 8: Entry into Worms
08:48:45 29 Book 7: Chapter 9: Victory—Tumult and calm—Duke Erick’s Glass of Beer
09:07:34 30 Book 7: Chapter 10: Conference with the Archbishop of Trêves
09:28:45 31 Book 7: Chapter 11: Luther’s Departure—Journey from Worms
09:51:25 32 Book 8: The Swiss, 1484-1522: Chapter 1: Movements in Switzerland
10:05:23 33 Book 8: Chapter 2: Young Ulric at Wesen
10:24:28 34 Book 8: Chapter 3: Love of War
10:41:26 35 Book 8: Chapter 4: Zuinglius in regard to Erasmus
10:58:45 36 Book 8: Chapter 5: Meinrad of Hohenzollern—Our Lady of Einsidlen
11:23:03 37 Book 8: Chapter 6: Zurich—The College of Canons
11:49:17 38 Book 8: Chapter 7: Indulgences
12:04:56 39 Book 8: Chapter 8: The Labours of Zuinglius
12:28:28 40 Book 8: Chapter 9: The Two Reformers
12:46:59 41 Book 8: Chapter 10: A new Combatant—The Reformer of Berne—Zuinglius encourages Haller—The Gospel at Lucerne—Oswald Persecuted—Preaching of Zuinglius—Henry Bullinger and Gerold of Knonan—Rubli at Bâle—The Chaplain of the Hospital—War in Italy—Zuinglius against Foreign Service
13:04:44 42 Book 8: Chapter 11: Zuinglius against the Precepts of Man
13:21:38 43 Book 8: Chapter 12: Grief and Joy in Germany
13:35:48 44 Book 8: Chapter 13: A French monk
13:59:15 45 Book 8: Chapter 14: How Truth triumphs
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