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How Do I Teach ‘Christian Hedonism’ to My Kids? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on September 17th, 2018

Children don’t need to use the label “Christian Hedonism,” but parents can help them grasp what it means to be happy in God. I love this question. It comes from a French dad and pastor named Raphaël. “Hello, Pastor John, thank you for this invaluable podcast. My question for you is, How can I best communicate Christian Hedonism to my children during our family worship? Their ages are 5 to 12. What should be my aims and goals? Any tips for a dad like me?” Episode 1252: Related Resources: “How to Explain Christian Hedonism over Lunch” “How Do I Feed My Joy in Jesus Every Morning?” “Did C.S. Lewis Warn Against Christian Hedonism?” “The Heart of Christian Hedonism — and the Bible and Creation and Everything” Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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