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Here We Stand

A video published by Ligonier Ministries on April 6th, 2021

Five hundred years ago, an Augustinian monk stood before an imperial council and was called to recant his teachings. With his conscience bound by the Word of God, Martin Luther refused to compromise. His stand fanned the flames of reformation as the Western church recovered the precious teachings that were long obscured by extrabiblical rules and traditions. Join us on April 13, 2021, beginning at 4:00 p.m. ET, for Here We Stand, a special online streaming event. Celebrating the five-hundredth anniversary of the Diet of Worms, this free event will explore the essential truths championed in the Protestant Reformation. As we consider the relevance of these truths for people of all ages around the world, we will be encouraged to stand with conviction on the Word of God today.

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