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How Will Heaven Change Our Joy? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on April 5th, 2021

Joy isn’t just a nice byproduct of the Christian life, but an essential part of it. From propitiation to glorification, joy animates our life in Christ. We are coming off Easter Sunday, yesterday, my favorite date in the church calendar. There are so many sources of joy in the Christian life. Certainly, Christ’s victory over sin, the devil, and the grave is one of the most astounding sources of our joy in this life. And it leads to today’s question from a woman who listens regularly to the podcast. She writes, “Hello, Pastor John! Can you explain how our joy relates to the three aspects of the Christian life — justification, sanctification, and glorification? Specifically, I would like to know how joy is obtained in each of these distinct blessings, and how they are similar or different from one another.” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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