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My Girlfriend Is Pregnant — What Do I Do Next? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on October 17th, 2018

A premarital pregnancy means a couple has chosen sin over God. But it doesn’t mean they need to continue to make that choice. On Wednesday, Pastor John, you answered the question of whether or not a premarital pregnancy nullifies the “unequally yoked” prohibition of a believer marrying an unbeliever. Today, the scenario changes. Today we talk about a pregnancy between two professing believers who sinned together. The question comes in from William. “Hello, Pastor John. I became a Christian about two years ago, even though I grew up in a ‘Christian household.’ I am now greatly troubled to admit that I had sex with my girlfriend, whom I met at church a few months ago. We are devastated at the sin we have committed together, despite the times we said we would not. Now, I fear, my girlfriend is pregnant. I have frantically listened to every podcast about abortion. I am such a hypocrite to let my mind even entertain this as an option when for years I declared that I never would. But I am scared. Assuming this is true, what do we do? How have you counseled couples who are broken and fearful in our situation?” Episode 1265: Related Resources: “How Far Is Too Far Before Marriage?” “Is It Sinful to Be Pregnant Before Marriage?” “What Sex Outside Marriage Says About You” “What Is the Daily Aim of Parenting?” Ask Pastor John Playlist: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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