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My Body: Friend or Foe? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on May 5th, 2018

We won’t win the battle against body hatred by trying to like what we see in the mirror. We need to be swept up in the grandeur of God. Is my body my friend? Or is my body my foe? It’s a question we must ask and answer with Scripture. The question comes in from an anonymous woman. “Hello, Pastor John, I’m a Christian female in my twenties. Ever since puberty I have hated my body. I constantly feel uncomfortable in my own skin and obsess about what other people might be thinking about it. “In the last eight years of my life, I’m not sure I’ve gone a full minute without having intrusive, destructive, and negative thoughts about my physical appearance. Sometimes I wonder if I have a mental illness, and I know the value of having this checked out by a local doctor (and I have). But I would love biblical help from you. Scripture says that I was fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God doesn’t look at outward appearance but looks at the heart. I believe these things are true, but what about my view of myself? What would EPISODE 1194: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes,

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