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Search Results for: "Christ"

Introducing The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics

Relevance: 4 Introducing The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics

Unction in Preaching - Pastor Iain Murray

Relevance: 4 Unction in Preaching - Pastor Iain Murray

1666 and the Occultic Roots of the New World Disorder - Peter Hammond Sermon

Relevance: 4 1666 and the Occultic Roots of the New World Disorder - Peter Hammond Sermon

Literary Forms in the Bible—Literal or Figurative?: Knowing Scripture with R.C. Sproul

Relevance: 4 Literary Forms in the Bible—Literal or Figurative?: Knowing Scripture with R.C. Sproul

Making Disciples of All Nations - Peter Hammond Sermon

Relevance: 4 Making Disciples of All Nations - Peter Hammond Sermon

Strong Delusion - Dr. James White Sermon

Relevance: 4 Strong Delusion - Dr. James White Sermon

Strong Delusion - Dr. James White Sermon

Relevance: 4 Strong Delusion - Dr. James White Sermon