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Search Results for: "Church"

But a Flea-bite! - Puritan Thomas Brooks (Christian devotional)

Relevance: 7 But a Flea-bite! - Puritan Thomas Brooks (Christian devotional)

Not in Word, but Power - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Sermon

Relevance: 7 Not in Word, but Power - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Sermon

Seeking the Lord's Face - John Calvin Sermon

Relevance: 7 Seeking the Lord's Face - John Calvin Sermon

Preparation Through Prayer

Relevance: 7 Preparation Through Prayer

Of Meditating on the Future Life - John Calvin / Institutes of the Christian Religion

Relevance: 7 Of Meditating on the Future Life - John Calvin / Institutes of the Christian Religion

How to use the Present Life, and Comforts of It - John Calvin / Institutes of the Christian Religion

Relevance: 7 How to use the Present Life, and Comforts of It - John Calvin / Institutes of the Christian Religion

William Carey (biography): The Father of Modern Missions

Relevance: 7 William Carey (biography): The Father of Modern Missions

Jonathan Edwards and Wife Sarah (Biography / Lecture)

Relevance: 7 Jonathan Edwards and Wife Sarah (Biography / Lecture)

A Repentant Heart - George Whitefield Sermon

Relevance: 7 A Repentant Heart - George Whitefield Sermon