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30 Prompts to Pray

A devotional by John Piper for reading on December 28th

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. ( Jeremiah 29:13 13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. )

What do you long for God to do this year? If your desires are weak, and you are so numb from Christmas frenzy that you can’t feel, here are 30 desire starters. Prayer grows out of desire. God says, “Seek me with all your heart!”

  • Is there someone you love whom you want him to save?
  • Do you know wayward sons or daughters you want him to bring to their senses?
  • Is there a sickness you want him to heal?
  • Is there a bondage you want him to break?
  • Do you want to eat right and exercise right and sleep right?
  • Is there an alienated person you want him to reconcile?
  • Is there a job change you want him to orchestrate?
  • Is there a ministry you want him to prosper?
  • Is there a debt you would like him to help you pay off?
  • Is there a potential missionary family you want him to send out?
  • Is there a war you would like for him to make cease?
  • Is there an injustice you want him to overcome?
  • Are there refugees you want him to take home in security and gospel blessing?
  • Do you want abortion to become unthinkable in America?
  • Is there persecution you want him to remove?
  • Is there hunger and homelessness and destitution you want him to ameliorate?
  • Is there a church you would like to see revived and reformed in the truth?
  • Are there biblical doctrines you want God to preserve from undermining attack?
  • Are there colleges or seminaries you want God to strengthen in biblical faithfulness?
  • Are there children you want him to make submissive and happily obedient?
  • Are there marriage stresses you want God to relieve?
  • Is there loneliness you want him to replace with friendships?
  • Are there disabilities someone needs grace to accept and exploit for God’s glory?
  • Is there pride that God needs to humble?
  • Is there a depressed person you care about whom God might awaken with hope and strength?
  • Is there disunity among believers anywhere that brings reproach on Christ?
  • Do you want God to re-stigmatize pornography that desecrates women and dishonors God?
  • Do you want God to preserve the conviction that homosexual activity is an abomination to the Lord?
  • Do you want timidity in witness replaced by courage in the lives of tens of thousands of Christians?
  • Do you want your worship to be deep and intense and authentic and God-centered?

  • The content above belongs exclusively to Desiring God - Solid Joys by John Piper and is provided on for purely non-profit purposes to help extend the reach of their ministry.